Player Leaderboard(Top 30)
Today Week Month All Time FS Only
NameThe Players Name KillsThe number of kills accrued. KPMKills Per Minute. SDThe score differential between this user and the other players of the server.(Higher is better) KPSKills Per Session. TTPTotal Time Played. Ping Type Team
1.  run in leggings83 1.26 +81831h 6m57100% ST100% Gov
2.  Juice Daddy35 0.90 +183538m 58s110100% ST95% Gov
3.  Frankentein23 0.32 +461h 12m63100% ST100% Law
4.  *R3* Weedstar17 0.16 -18171h 44m44100% ST100% Law
5.  TwB Gaby7 0.19 -8436m 8s59100% ST100% Gov
6.  Koln1 0.02 011h 6m87100% ST100% Law
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